A Gift That Keeps Giving



Neglect not the gift that is in thee…” 1 Tim. 4:14

Writing to his son in the faith, the apostle Paul urged Timothy to not neglect the spiritual gifts and talents that had been bestowed upon him to glorify Christ and edify the Church. Since the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance (Rom. 11:29), we have an equal duty to serve the risen, glorified Savior to the full extent of our ability. To allow apathy, worldliness, bitterness or any other attitude to derail us is to forfeit the greatest opportunity to express by our actions the gratitude of our hearts. We were careful to not neglect His “so great salvation”, let’s also be careful to not neglect His great service as well.

“Lord, I thank Thee for salvation, for thy mercy full and free;
Take me now in consecration, glorify Thyself in Me”